Winter Tips for Hot Tub Use and Maintenance

Posted by  on 20 January, 2014

Plunging into a warm oasis during the falling of soft snowflakes can be one of the best feelings and benefits of having your own personal spa. Any pool builder in Toronto will tell you that having that picturesque retreat requires a little extra care along the way. Here are some tips that Solda Pools recommends while running your concrete hot tub in the winter;

What to Look For with our Winter Tips for Hot Tub Use and Maintenance:

  • Daily Check– visual observations- ensure hot tub jets are running by looking and the finger test for heat (above freezing). Whenever home Solda recommends checking the basic function of the equipment that is running your spa (ie; pump, filter, heater)
  •   Water balance – Solda recommends using the test strips in the winter because of ease of use. Using the liquid testing chemicals when exposed to cold weather skews readings and can mislead users.
  • Assuming spa has been well maintained, Solda Pools recommends emptying and refilling water every 4-6 weeks
  • Maintain water level – due to excessive evaporation due to temperature differential, on going water levels should be maintained
  • Adding chemicals – when adding chemicals to your hot tub in winter, be sure to leave your cover off for 15-30 minutes to allow for sufficient off gassing and oxidization

One should also watch out for and be mindful of a handful of situations while keeping your hot tub open. You should contact Solda Service for rapid remedy or assistance should you require it;
Loss of power – losing power in extreme cold can have detrimental affects to your pool system. Solda recommends contacting our service department where we have staff working or on call 7 days a week dedicated to helping our clients like no other service company. We can be reached at (905) 796 6500
Water colour – should your hot tub appear a teal (blue-green appearance), we recommend again contacting our service department
Water surface – excess standing bubbles can also be indicative of a larger issue and should be treated by again contacting our service department

Solda offers many winter maintenance packages to take the worry and hassle away from winter use. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or concerns
p. (905) 796-6500

More Winter Tips for Hot Tub Use and Maintenance information available please contact us.